Reading Assignment: Tippens Ch. 1, section 5 reviews graphing.

Today's lecture continues the discussion of graphing began in the previous lecture (1). It is important that the student acquire the following two skills:
In this Lecture we discuss Skill (1) at length. The graph of a line can be found in either of two ways. First, by constructing a table of points along the line, plotting them, and drawing the line through the points -- only two points are needed to do this. Second, inspecting the equation of the line, identifying the slope and the y-intercept from the equation, and plotting a line with that y-intercept and slope. Recall that the equation of a straight line is just
y= mx + b
where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept. In this lecture we discuss the graphical meaning of m and b at some length.
Skill (2) requires that the student understand how to find the slope and y-intercept of the line from a set of points.This is discussed further in the next lecture.
Finally, the student should understand what a parabola is and how to graph one.

Link for the Day: Interactive Mathematics Online (Algebra & Graphing)

Questions or comments should be addressed to Mike Ritzwoller at

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