Reading Assignment: Tippens Ch. 2, section 10 covers more information on unit conversion. Ch. 1, section 2 reviews algebra.

Homework 2 (page 1, page 2) is handed out. Solutions to Homework 1 (page 1, page 2) are discussed in next Wednesday's lecture, Lecture 4.
The lecture begins with a showing of a video disk from the `Mechanical Universe' Series. This movie does a nice job of discussing what physics is about generally and more specifically what freshman level courses usually concern themselves with. You can get a brief overview of what was presented if you click here and here. In Physics 1000 we will confine ourselves to consideration of classical mechanics. Higher level physics courses delve more deeply into this subject than we will, and also are concerned with other areas of physics such as thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, subatomic physics, etc.
After the movie we take up the treatment of mathematical preliminaries again by continuing the discussion of unit conversion and scientific notation.

Link for the Day: Newtonia -- A collection of information about Isaac Newton

Questions or comments should be addressed to Mike Ritzwoller at

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