Reading Assignment:

We complete our study of simple physical systems illustrating the use of Newton's Laws where motion is in 1D. In these systems so far, the froces have been appiied in 2D, but motion has only resulted in 1D. By the end of today's lecture, we have completed the discussion of six of this type of physical system:

(1) Mass on a horizontal frictionless table subject only to gravity.

(2) Mass on a horizontal frictionless table subject to gravity and an applied horizontal force.

(3) Mass on a horizontal table subject to gravity and an applied horizontal force with friction.

(4) Mass suspended from a veritcal massless rope. (1

(5) Two masses connected by a massless rope which is draped over a massless, frictionless pulley. (2)

(6) Two masses connected by a massless rope, one suspended off the edge of the table and the other resting on a table with friction. The rope is draped over a frictionless, massless pulley on the edge of the table. (3)

Links to graphical images illustrating the first three systems can be found in the lecture notes for Lecture 30.
To date, we have only considered physical systems in which the following two constraints have been satisfied:
(A) All applied forces are perpendicular or parallel to each other and to resulting motions.
(B) The resulting motions are in 1D.
We now consider two systems in which motions are in 2D (1, 2, 3) and briefly brush on systems in which are forces
are not either perpendicular or parallel to one another.

Link for the Day:
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