Reading Assignment: Chapter 4.1, 4.2, and 7.1 of Tippens. In studying for the exam on next Tuesday you can do the remainder of problems at the back of Ch. 6 of Tippens and the problems on today's links below.

We complete our disucssion of the first topic in dynamics which concerns the history of motion prior to Newton. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

We begin discussion of the Principle of Inertia, which turns out merely to be Newton's First Law and see a video on the Principle of Inertia from the Mechanical Universe Series. (1, 2)
Newton's Laws (1, 2, 3). Use of Newton's Laws (1, 2). Force of gravity. Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation.
Link for the Day:
Position and Velocity Problems (UCB)
Position, Velocity, and Acceleration Problems (UCB)

Questions or comments should be addressed to Mike Ritzwoller at

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