Lecture 16
February 19,
Physics 1000
Reading Assignment:
Chapter 6 of Tippens.
We continue our review of
the video seen in the last lecture, `The Law of Falling Bodies', from the
Mechanical Universe series. (1, 2,
3, 4, 5)
Before going on to investigating
graphs of position and velotiy versus time, we continue to discuss using
Galileo's 4th Kinematical Equation to help understand motion of falling
bodies and to make predictions about falling bodies:
x(t) = x0 + v0t
+ at^2/2
We end today's class with
a questionnaire.
Link for the Day: 1D
Kinematics, Some Worked Problems (Univ. of Oregon)
Questions or comments should
be addressed to Mike Ritzwoller at ritzwoller@phys-geophys.colorado.edu
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