Lecture 15
February 17,
Physics 1000
Reading Assignment:
Chapter 6 of Tippens.
We discuss in greater detail
the two new kinematical equations that
were introduced in the last lecture. Recall that these two equations can
be written:
average v = (v +
x = x0 + v0 t +
Here, x0 and v0 mean initial
position and initial velocity, respectively, and t^2 means time-squared.
(I can't do subscripts and superscripts easily in html, yet.) The second
of these equations is Galileo's Third Kinematical Equation and relates
(x, a, t).
We review the video seen
in the last lecture, `The Law of Falling Bodies', from the Mechanical Universe
video. (1, 2, 3,
As the next subject, we
discuss graphs of postion and velocity under constant acceleration versus
time. (1, 2,
3, 4, 5)
Link for the Day: Nicole
(Who actually came to the
correct formulation of the Law of Falling Bodies before Galileo.)
Questions or comments should
be addressed to Mike Ritzwoller at ritzwoller@phys-geophys.colorado.edu
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