These tables are formatted exactly
like the structure coefficient tables. Each table contains the uncertainties
in the estimated structure coefficients only at a single structural degree
s. Each row contains the uncertainty in the even degree self-coupled structure
coefficients for a single multiplet. The first 3 columns specify the n,
type, and l of the multiplet and the final 2s+1 columns specify the degree
s structure coefficient uncertainties.
n s/t l cerr1 cerr2
cerr3 ...... cerr(2s+1)
These uncertainties are normalized
relative to fully normalized complex spherical harmonics (e.g, Edmonds,
1960) which are commonly used in normal mode studies (e.g., Woodhouse,
1980). For example, for degree 2 there are 5 coefficient uncertainties:
cerr20, Re cerr21, Im cerr21, Re cerr22, Im cerr22. For degree 4 there
are 9 coefficients, etc. The units of the uncertatinties are micro-Hz.
A discussion of the structure
coefficients can be found by clicking the following: 1,
2, 3.
A discussion of normalization is on the second page.
If you have
questions, comments or suggestions, email Mike Ritzwoller at

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